
Try Cooking Today to Start Saving Money!


Happy Friday Readers!

I know many of you like me have very busy lives. Cooking everyday can feel like more of a chore than anything else. Did you ever stop to calculate how much money you are spending eating out vs. cooking at home?

I never went to culinary school, so my dishes can often taste very basic. What I have discovered are great recipes that are super easy to make. Trust me, if I can do it so can you.

The other thing to think about is how unhealthy processed and fast food is. To start the path to clean eating is by preparing and planning your meals in advance. The worst way to start cooking at home is by waiting till you get off work. Usually, when I get off all I want to do is go to a drive thru line.

All you have to do is find a good recipe website and there are many out there! I was on a budget this week and I made a super easy dish using chicken thighs. To make this dish healthier, I did not eat the skin. I served it with rice and a salad. Click the link below to try this recipe.

Try this easy dish! Roasted chicken thighs!

Here is the finished product! 🙂


I hope you start thinking about all the money you can save by cooking at home.

Thanks for reading!

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