
The Secret to Saving Money!


Hello Readers,

Do you feel like you never have enough money to put in your savings at the end of the month? If so, you are not alone!

Check out this article below for tips on how to save money!

Click here to read these tips on saving money by Jeremy Vohwinkle!

Thanks for reading!


No Idea is a Dumb One! Start Brainstorming Today!


“There is only one way in which a person acquires a new idea: by the combination or association of two or more ideas he already has into a new juxtaposition in such a manner as to discover a relationship among them of which he was not previously aware.” ~Francis A. Cartier

Hello Readers,

Have you ever had a great idea pop in your head? What did you do with that idea? Did you write it down or just forget all about it?

Some people are afraid to act on an idea, because they are scared of what someone else might think. If you want to start acting on your ideas, keep a notepad and write them down. After you have listed your ideas start thinking about what you want to do with them.

It is common that people might not share your same vision or want you to succeed. This is why it is important to surround yourself with other likeminded individuals. A friend, co-worker, or associate might be the best person to help launch your idea. Please make sure they are trustworthy and a positive person first.

Remember Facebook, Microsoft, and electricity was once just an idea! You never know what the future holds and you could be on the brink of discovering something fantastic. America was built by innovators like you and I.

I am an only child and my imagination is very colorful. To call me a dreamer is an understatement. I started a laminated paper doll and play credit card business in elementary school. I would sell the items for 10 cents each. My parents thought it was a silly idea, until I was once able to start paying for my own lunch!

Start today and write your ideas down tomorrow. You could be the next great business owner, inventor, or entrepreneur by taking these small steps. Please email me at for tips on how to license your company or start a business.

“Ideas can be life-changing. Sometimes all you need to open the door is just one more good idea.” ~Jim Rohn

Have a great day,

What Type of Leader Are You? How Aware Are You In Life?

Become Aware

To be a great leader involves being aware of where you are and where you are trying to go. The road to success starts with a plan and being aware of what you have to do to achieve it.

I know I want to become financially independent. In order to do that, I must take the steps now to put this goal in place.

The first step is being aware of the factors that are limiting my ability to build wealth. The first road block is my social life. The frequent happy hours, dinners, and activities I do cost a lot of money over time.

I have decided to start putting myself on strict budget and limit my extracurricular activities. This has helped me prioritize my life and refocus on my goals.

I took one small step to reduce spending and this has resulting with me getting back on track to becoming financially independent. Now I am able to save more and spend more time working on my side businesses.

I truly believe if you sacrifice now, you will see the results later in life! What could you give up now to create a better future later? We all have the ability to be a leader in our own lives. Start taking charge and be aware of how small acts can turn in to bigger changes later!

“Awareness is the birthplace of possibility. Everything you want to do, everything you want to be starts here. To be a successful visionary, you must be as aware as possible. At every moment many paths lead forward. Awareness tells you the right one to take.” – Deepak Chopra

Check out this interesting article below!

The Conscious Lifestyle: A Leader Must Be Aware by Deepak Chopra

Thank you for reading!


Are you open to a new opportunity? How much risk are you willing to take?

Madame C. J. Walker

“I had to make my own living and my own opportunity! But I made it! Don’t sit down and wait for the opportunities to come. Get up and make them!” – Madam C.J. Walker

America was built by entrepreneurs and inventors. I have listed some information below on a female pioneer in the hair care industry.

Madam C.J. Walker was born Sarah Breedlove on December 23, 1867, near Delta, Louisiana. After suffering from a scalp ailment that resulted in her own hair loss, she invented a line of African-American hair care products in 1905. She promoted her products by traveling about the country giving lecture-demonstrations and eventually established Madame C.J. Walker Laboratories to manufacture cosmetics and train sales beauticians. Her savvy business acumen led her to become the first female self-made millionaire in the United States, and was rivaled only by the countless philanthropic endeavors for which she is also known.

Click here for more information on this incredible woman.

Madam C.J. Walker Biography

“There is no royal flower-strewn path to success. And if there is, I have not found it for if I have accomplished anything in life it is because I have been willing to work hard.” – Madam C.J. Walker

Are you willing to take a risk or start something new? Did you know that today is the best day to start changing your life?

Email today! I will give you free financial planning and investing tips! Let’s build a better future together.

Thanks, J.R.

Read “Managing Debt” by Suze Orman!

Hello Readers,

Before you can “Build Wealth” you MUST “Manage Debt”! Whether your debt was caused from student loans, credit cards, medical bills, or an expensive wedding you can’t run from debt!

Dealing with debt is a very stressful thing! I know you might feel like you can’t ever get thru it! The good news is that you are not alone! There are industry experts out there that can help you.

Read this article below to learn how Suze Orman advises people to pay off and manage debt!

Managing Debt

Email for more tips on how to pay off debt and start building wealth!

Have a great day,


Knowledge is Power! Please LIKE our new fan page!

“Knowledge is power. Information is liberating. Education is the premise of progress, in every society, in every family.” -Kofi Annan

The best thing I have ever received was a quality education and the knowledge that I can achieve my dream life. The one thing I didn’t receive after graduation was a six figure salary and a debt free lifestyle. I learned that the real world was a lot different than I had imaged.

At one point in my life, I had to use payday loans just to make ends meet and I was working two jobs. For many years, I worked my way up from small staffing companies until one day I secured a corporate HR position. The new job title is great, but I still do not have the savings or stock options I desire.

The life experiences I went thru taught me that I do not want to trade hours for dollars for the rest of my life. From a young age, I started reading books on investing and wealth trends. I aligned myself with other prominent professionals and businesses owners. That exposure is why I am very passionate about wealth building today.

Knowledge about life and your financial future can be gained in many ways. Everyone should take the time to invest in themselves. Try taking a new class, obtaining a skilled certification, updating your resume, or reading a new book. We can all take different steps to improve our lives today.

The rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer. One day there will not be a traditional middle class. I’ve learned the importance of having financial expert mentors and sharing their teachings with others.

You have started to take a positive step in the right direction by reading this blog. Stop dreaming about money and let me show you how to start changing your financial future today! Email with your questions and let’s develop a plan together!


What is Residual Income?

Residual income is doing something once and making money on it for the rest of your life. This goal can be achieved by investing in a product or service that allows you to continuously make money off that product or service. It takes time to build it as a substantial source of income and if you are patient it can happen.

Do you currently receive checks from your cell phone, cable, internet, electric, ID protection, and alarm company bills? If not, have you ever thought how could that be possible? I learned a way to obtain residual income from bills people use every day. I built my customer base and I learned how to start making residual income. I don’t have a sales or marketing background. I do have a desire to retire at 40 and I feel I have been blessed with a great money making opportunity.

I refuse to trade hours for dollars the rest of my life. If you are looking to build wealth in a new way, you are in the right place. This blog was designed to show others just how the rich are getting richer. If you were to lose your job today, do you currently know of an alternative way to build wealth? If not, you are in the right place and I am so glad you found this site!

I love making money in my sleep and I would love to share with you how thousands of people are doing the same. The process is as easy as 1-2-3! Email me for your contact information below and ask me how!

Have a great day!



Welcome To My Site!

Welcome to my World

Hello Readers!

There are many reasons to start a side business. Some people want to spend more time with their family. Others simply want to diversify their income so that they have more security in these difficult economic times. Perhaps you want to be able to donate more to your church, or visit a tropical island. Or maybe you want to fire your boss and experience the freedom of working for yourself.

What are your goals and dreams . . . what is your “why?”

How would you like to hear about an opportunity that could change your life?

The best investment you will ever make is the investment in yourself!

Contact me today and let’s start making money tomorrow!

Have a great day! -JR 🙂

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