
New Year…New Success!



It’s 2014 and you have to decide how important success is to you. A lot of people complain that they are unhappy at where they are in life.

It’s time to throw out the old ones and start creating new goals. I believe taking small steps can later create large leaps! Success starts with you!

Try reading a new book or attending a seminar about creating success in your area. I believe in order to be the best, you need to learn from the best.

Until next time… 🙂

Try Cooking Today to Start Saving Money!


Happy Friday Readers!

I know many of you like me have very busy lives. Cooking everyday can feel like more of a chore than anything else. Did you ever stop to calculate how much money you are spending eating out vs. cooking at home?

I never went to culinary school, so my dishes can often taste very basic. What I have discovered are great recipes that are super easy to make. Trust me, if I can do it so can you.

The other thing to think about is how unhealthy processed and fast food is. To start the path to clean eating is by preparing and planning your meals in advance. The worst way to start cooking at home is by waiting till you get off work. Usually, when I get off all I want to do is go to a drive thru line.

All you have to do is find a good recipe website and there are many out there! I was on a budget this week and I made a super easy dish using chicken thighs. To make this dish healthier, I did not eat the skin. I served it with rice and a salad. Click the link below to try this recipe.

Try this easy dish! Roasted chicken thighs!

Here is the finished product! 🙂


I hope you start thinking about all the money you can save by cooking at home.

Thanks for reading!

MLK Had a Dream…What’s your’s?


Hello Readers!

The 50th annv. of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech was this week. I hope you all take some to read or listen to it.

My dream is to become financially independent. Expecting one job to take care of me for the rest of my life is unrealistic. You should join the conversation on ways to build wealth.

Comment or email me your questions. Let’s start building a stronger tomorrow today!

Click here to email me!

Thank you,

No Idea is a Dumb One! Start Brainstorming Today!


“There is only one way in which a person acquires a new idea: by the combination or association of two or more ideas he already has into a new juxtaposition in such a manner as to discover a relationship among them of which he was not previously aware.” ~Francis A. Cartier

Hello Readers,

Have you ever had a great idea pop in your head? What did you do with that idea? Did you write it down or just forget all about it?

Some people are afraid to act on an idea, because they are scared of what someone else might think. If you want to start acting on your ideas, keep a notepad and write them down. After you have listed your ideas start thinking about what you want to do with them.

It is common that people might not share your same vision or want you to succeed. This is why it is important to surround yourself with other likeminded individuals. A friend, co-worker, or associate might be the best person to help launch your idea. Please make sure they are trustworthy and a positive person first.

Remember Facebook, Microsoft, and electricity was once just an idea! You never know what the future holds and you could be on the brink of discovering something fantastic. America was built by innovators like you and I.

I am an only child and my imagination is very colorful. To call me a dreamer is an understatement. I started a laminated paper doll and play credit card business in elementary school. I would sell the items for 10 cents each. My parents thought it was a silly idea, until I was once able to start paying for my own lunch!

Start today and write your ideas down tomorrow. You could be the next great business owner, inventor, or entrepreneur by taking these small steps. Please email me at for tips on how to license your company or start a business.

“Ideas can be life-changing. Sometimes all you need to open the door is just one more good idea.” ~Jim Rohn

Have a great day,

Investing is one of the best ways to start building wealth in 2013!

Investing 2013

Are you interested in investing? Are you confused on where to start? Check out this article on some great investing ideas!

“Best Ideas 2013: Investment Experts Sound Off On What To Buy And Sell!”
by Matt Schifrin

Best Ideas 2013

I hope your 2013 is filled with great investments! Email if you want to learn about investing in a great telecommunications company!

Have a great day!

It’s a New Year and It’s Time for Change!

Happy New Years All!

“Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.” – Maria Robinson

Change starts with making a list of what you’re financial goals are. Experts suggest that you start small and make sure your goals are manageable. It is also important to determine what your needs are vs. wants?

I also suggest buying a calendar, so you can track your goals. Do you want to save money for a wedding, house, kids, or retirement? The path to financial freedom is easier when you can see your destination. Divide the goals in to weekly or monthly milestones and don’t forget to reward yourself for your hard work! It will be challenging at first, but don’t give up. The end result will be worth in the end.

Identify an accountability partner. Share your vision with your partner and have that person set a calendar reminder to keep you on track. Teamwork makes the dream work! If you know your weakness is spending money on careless things, make sure your partner is aware of what that is. It is important to start new habits and break the bad ones that are holding you back.

2012 is over and now we are in 2013! Don’t get frustrated, because this site is here to help you create a plan to start building wealth. If you don’t start now, then when?

Email your list of financial goals and I can help you achieve them! The best investment you will ever make is yourself!


Wealth Building Networking Event in Addison, TX!

Happy Hour Buttons

Do you want to learn about an alternative way to build wealth? Do you live in the DFW metroplex?

The TEAM EVOLVE LEADERS will be hosting the Super Thursday Happy Hour, Dec. 13th @ Buttons Restaurant in Addison, TX from 7:00-10:00pm!

We will network, mix, mingle, enjoy great food & live music! Come enjoy some great specials and learn about an AMAZING opportunity!!!

Even if you are not in Texas, contact me and I can cover what you have missed!

Email to RSVP!!! This is a free event to attend!